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Even the elves riding the moon deer are not as fast as these human cavalry! These humans.

Although he knows that it has been reduced by several times compared with the real construction time, after all, no one is willing to wait for such a long time.

This is the advantage of maintaining a monopoly on the coast of Mannheim, This port is the only port that can berth and receive a large number of merchant ships and maintain a huge amount of commercial trade ketogenic diet migraines This, Rao Baron Dylan was mentally prepared, but he was still shocked and speechless.

Kant beckoned and said: Go and prepare food and water, Don t forget to add some fresh fodder to the horse.

In other words, it is the current Swadia militia, These 2nd-level arms are fully capable of coping with primitive races like Jackals.

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Because behind the sand dunes not far away, the 10 elite desert bandits who went to explore are following those people, just like loyal guards, not only friendly, but also quite modest.

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